There Is No Such Thing As Relaxing on Vacation

My beach city, the thing I had been looking forward to most: Nice. Well, it was terribly crowded, they have ROCK beaches (wtf?), and the weather eventually followed me there. It was 3 in the afternoon by the time we finally got checked into the hotel. After changing into something for warm weather (yay!) we found the beach and I decided all I wanted to do was look at it. And after that I was totally bored. Without an itinerary we walked aimlessly for hours. When I got fed up with walking in circles we did the only thing that was logical when you want to waste time and money: we gambled. We found one of the bigger casinos along the “beach” and started sticking money in machines. We had no idea what we were doing. I finally figured out a video poker machine, and while Alex lost Euro after Euro, I pressed a bunch of buttons and won 180 dollars! Guess Nice wasn’t such a waste of time after all. It was pretty, but as far as vacation goes, I’m not one to sit around too much. 


  1. Oops, I guess I kinda forgot to tell you how Nice was kind of, well, boring. Did you guys go to Monaco? Did you go to the flower market? Oh man, the olive bar was phenomenal. And you could buy all the Provencal patterned crap your heart desires in that area. I spent a week in Nice and I think we spent one actual day in Nice itself. Otherwise it's pretty boring. So, ummmm, yea, sorry about not sharing my insight on that one! I totally understand tho, if that's any consolation.


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