I'm SO Sick of the Rain

I expected sunny skies, frolicking in water, and awesome tans while on my vacation. I've been reduced to constant overcast, umbrella use, and shivering under the only sweater I brought.
I almost miss Reno weather.....
But there have been some upsides. I've read three books since I've been here. Not exactly what I was planning on my vacation but good all the same. Since my last post I've been to the fairly unexciting city of Borken, Germany. There were many ruins incorporated in the cities shopping area from its medieval days, but no explanation of what any of them were. Alex and I said water tower, but my brother argued because of the windows they were probably all watch towers. I guess this makes sense. But I argued my water tower theory all day.
I suppose it's a pretty elaborate water tower....
The next day the rain came down hard, and we spent most the day inside at my grandparents. We went to explore the city when the weather let up a bit, but we were quickly driven back when it started up again.
Friday we went to my Auntie Anita's early in the morning. She drove us to Dusseldorf where we were going to go on a Rhein River Tour. The tour we had taken years ago took about 5 hours, and pointed out all the castles that were built along the river throughout Germany's monarchy. What we didn't know was that the tour left from Koln, not Dusseldorf, so instead we took a small boat tour that showed the older part of the city. It was vastly uneventful and not worth the 8 euros.

Though we did get a few good pictures of the modern art buildings in the newer downtown area:

Then we went to the shopping district in downtown Dusseldorf. We had their famous beer and ice cream. On one block we counted four H&M's (clothing stores kind of like Forever 21, i love them!) Alex had his first Bratwurst:

Then we left the city and went to Dorsten where my aunt lives. I bought a cute dress at another H&M.
Saturday we went to a small water park and thank God it was inside because it was still raining. Later in the day we went back to my grandparents, and went to a "Beach" party at one of the clubs in Gescher. It was fairly crowded, uncomfortable because the sand on the floor, and expensive to get it, but all the music was in English and the people were nice, so we had a good time.
And now today, Sunday, we slept in late, went to town and got an ice cream, and enjoyed the first day it didn't rain outside. Tomorrow is my Grandparents 50th anniversary wedding party, and Tuesday we leave to Paris! I'm not sure how Alex and I will survive without my mom translating everything for us.....


  1. Oh my. Sounds like an adventure! Word of advice, get used to not knowing what things are. It's all a guessing game and unless you have a guide book in hand for that exact builiding, bridge, etc. you're screwed. It gets to the point where maybe imagination is better than really knowing what it is.
    1.) Why do they not make the buns as the bratwurst?
    2.) the sand club creeps me out. If there is anything I hate in the world it is sand,and dancing in it indoors? Eeeesh. Hope you had quite a bit to drink for that one.
    3.) It's BEAUTIFUL here in Reno. So sunny, with a light breeze :) But then again, it's not Europe.


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